Music Rights IS

Complete solution for Societies and Organizations that protecting value of music and their authors

Serbian Music Authors Organizations (SOKOJ)
Belit d.o.o.
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Information system for Serbian Music Authors Organizations which protects rights of composers, songwriters, arrangers and other right holders in respect of musical works. The solution fully supports the International Confederation of Societies of Composers and Authors (CISAC) standards of data exchange with the other societies (CRD), publishers and sub publishers (CWR), world databases for music works (WID) , authors (IPI) Agreements (AGR), Online Services (Youtube, Deezer..) etc.

MNO team subcontracted and participate in complete software development cycle.

Services Provide

  • Available on your infrastructure
  • Consultancy and support
  • Fully customizable

Technology stack

  • Frontend: JSF, Vaadin 8
  • Middleware: Java, J2EE, Hibernate JBoss Seam
  • Database: IMB DB2
  • Reports: BIRT, Vaadin Charts
  • App servers: JBoss, Tomcat

A web based modern system for organization protecting value of music

Modular sysytem for musical works documentation, IPI authors, agreements system allowing us to customize it for your needs.

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